Mamduh Adi Priyanto, Muh. Asrori, A. Handoko Pudjobroto


This article describes Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) in
the twelfth grade students of State Senior High School in Surakarta in August-
November academic year 2013/ 2014. The method used in the reasearch is
descriptive method which is designed to analyze the communicative teaching
learning occurred in the classroom. There data collection techniques used are
in-depth interview, direct observation and document analysis. The researcher
employed interactive model of data analysis which consists of three main
components namely reduction of the data, presentation of the data, and
conclusion or verification. The result of the research were as follows (1)
teacher gave more chance and facilitated students for doing communication
through various activities (2) all activities that occurred in the classroom are
student-centered (3) social interaction was applied for teaching learning
process in the classroom (4) authentic material was often used by teacher (5)
teacher used various social interaction activities such as question- answer,
group discussion, pair discussion, role play and game for facilitating students
in communication.

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