Lathifa Nur Rizka Hidayah, Gunarso Susilohadi, A. Handoko Pudjobroto


It is stated in the literature that there is a correlation between (1) vocabulary mastery and speaking skill; (2) self-efficacy and speaking skill; and

(3) vocabulary mastery,and self-efficacy toward speaking skill simultaneously. This theory is proven by the result of the study which was carried out in September to October 2013 at SMA N 6 Surakarta. This article is aimed at discussing and reporting the result of the study. The sample of the study is 34 students out of 276 students in eleventh grade as the population of the study. The instruments used for collecting data are questionnaire used to collect self-efficacy data, objective test used to collect vocabulary mastery data, and speaking test to collect data of speaking skill. The techniques used to analyze the data are single correlation and multiple regression correlation. The result analysis shows that there is a positive correlation between (1) vocabulary mastery and speaking skill;

(2) self-efficacy and speaking skill; and vocabulary mastery, self-efficacy simultaneously and speaking skill. The positive correlation indicates that the increase of vocabulary mastery and self-efficacy is followed by the increase of student’s speaking skill at the same time.


correlation; vocabulary mastery; self-efficacy; speaking skill

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