Communication Strategies Used by Students of English Conversation Club of Sragen Bilingual Boarding School

Begench Soyunov, Dewi Rochsantiningsih, Suparno Suparno


This study was aimed to find out the types of communication strategies used by the learners of one Bilingual Boarding School at Sragen year X and to figure out the most types used by the learners. The subject of the study was 20 members of ECC Students (English Conversation Club). Interview was conducted to collect art of in this research. The interview was used to help the researcher set the classroom with debate classroom, recorded, and then transcript the conversation. The researcher recorded the conversation. The result of the study shows that there are eleven types of communication strategies used by the learners; circumlocution, approximation, word coinage, code switching, use of nonlinguistic means, appeal for help, use of all-purpose words, using fillers, using wrong terms, self-correction, and repetition. Fillers, Circumlocution and Repetition are the strategies mostly used by the learners. Based on the result of the study, the researcher inferred that the learners of Sragen Bilingual Boarding School (SBBS) face difficulties in their communication. The higher number of learning using fillers, indicates that they hesitate too much in delivering their opinion. They are also nervous, afraid to make mistakes, and not confident enough to give their opinion.



communication, communication strategies, type of communication strategies, qualitative research.

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