Comparative Study Between Using Cooperative Learning Model Teams-Games-Tournaments (TGT) and Direct Instructional Method (DI) to Teach Students’ Reading Comprehension

Nurul Ariffa Anggiasari, Muh Asrori, Teguh Sarosa


Mastering reading comprehension is a must for language learners. Without mastering reading comprehension students aren’t able to grasp the message on their written form of learning material. Yet, reading comprehension oftenly considered to be difficult by students. This may caused by teacher’s method of teaching that doesn’t effective. This article compare between the use of Cooperative Learning method model Teams-Games-Tournaments (TGT) and Direct Instructional Method (DI) to teach studentsz reading comprehension. Here describe there is significant difference in reading comprehension achievement between the students taught using TGT and those taught using DI of the eighth grade students of one state junior high school in Grogol, and whether TGT is more effective than DI to teach reading comprehension. The method used in this study is experimental method (comparative study). The population of the research is all the eighth grade students. The sample was taken by using cluster random sampling. Two groups of student were taken, VIII-B as experimental group and VIII-C as control group. The instrument to collect data is test. The data were analyzed using t-test formula. The computation showed that t-observation (to) is 3.32 consulting t-table (78,0.05) = 1.96, therefore the to is higher than tt. It is concluded that there’s significant difference between experimental and control group. Besides, the mean of the group of students taught using TGT is 62.62, while that of those taught using DI is 59.46, meaning that TGT gives better achievement than DI. Thus, TGT is more effective than DI to teach reading comprehension.


comparative study; reading comprehension; TGT ; direct instruction

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