A Comparative Study Between Learning Cell and Direct Instructional Method to Teach Reading

Purnawati Zuhro, Ngadiso Ngadiso, Siswantoro Siswantoro


This research aims to find out whether there is a significant difference in the achievement of reading skill between the students taught using learning cell and those taught using direct instructional method and whether learning cell is more effective than direct instructional method to teach reading. Related to the objectives of the research, the method used was experimental method. The research was conducted in August-October 2014. The population of this research was the eighth grade students of SMP N 14 Surakarta in the academic year of 2014/2015 and the sample were class VIII A as the experimental group and VIII B as the control group. The data were collected by conducting a test and analyzed by using t-test formula. The computation of the data shows that there is a significant difference in reading skill between the students taught using learning cell and those taught using direct instructional method and that learning cell is more effective than direct instructional method to teach reading.


Reading Skill; Learning Cell; Direct Instructional Method

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