The Implementation of Teaching Speaking for Students with Hearing Impairment

Melina Anggraeni, Gunarso Susilohadi, Muh. Asrori


The aim of this article is to report the result of a study about the implementation of teaching speaking for students with hearing impairment. Speaking as one of skills in using a foreign language is now necessary to be taught, including for the students with hearing impairment because of the effect of global competition nowadays. The method used in this research was descriptive qualitative method. The research was conducted at the eleventh grade students of SLB-B YPPALB Magelang academic year 2013/2014. The data were collected through the use of interview, observation, and document analysis. Based on the finding of this research, it can be concluded that: (1) the teacher has implemented the pre-activity, main activity, post activity and the evaluation based on the lesson plan made although he sometimes improves it according to the classroom condition, (2) There were 3 types of problems faced during the teaching-learning process which were students’ problem, the teacher’s problem and the problem on the school management, (3) there were some solutions proposed by the teacher to cope with those problems.


teaching speaking; English; hearing impaired; students

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