The Stories of the Student Teacher Extensive Reading Activity as Their Experiential Learning: a Narrative Inquiry

Dheannisa Septiani, Nur Arifah Drajati, Ellisa Indriyani PH


This research aims to explore the stories of student-teacher extensive reading activity as their experiential learning. The participants of this research are two student teacher in their 4th and 8th semester in a University in Surakarta Central Java. The participants consist of 2 female students with range age 20 to 22 years old. Both of the participants were chosen under some consideration of their reading activity. This research is a narrative inquiry-based research. The data of this research was collected through interview sessions with the participants. The finding reveals that, firstly, both of the participants did doing the ten principles of the extensive reading by Day & Bamford. However, under some conditions, the participants also not following the ten principles. Second, the experiential learning goes through time, the four stages of the experiential learning cycle which are concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation, did not happen once at a time but also repeatedly happen at the time when the process of learning occurs.


Extensive Reading;Experiential Learning;Narrative Inquiry

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