Teacher's Strategies in Teaching English for The Hearing – Impaired Students

Fatimah Nur Hadi, Dewi Sri Wahyuni, Hefy Sulistyawati


This study is aimed at investigating the teacher’s strategies in teaching English for the hearing-impaired students of a special education school in Surakarta, to find out the teacher’s problems in teaching English, and to find out how the teaching strategies help the hearing-impaired students to learn English. The method used in this research is a case study. The qualitative data used in this research were collected from observation, interview, and documentation. The techniques used to analyze the data are from Miles and Huberman (1994), which include data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing or verification. From the result of this research, it showed that the strategies the teacher used in teaching English for the hearing-impaired students were drilling and visual scaffolding. The result of this research also showed the strategies the teacher used can help the students in memorizing new vocabulary and help the students in understanding better.


teacher’s strategies; teaching English; hearing-impaired students

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