The English Teaching Strategies for Young Learners in an International Primary School in Surakarta

Ria Puji Lestari, Muhammad Asrori, Hefy Sulistyawati


The objectives of this study are: (1) to investigate the English teaching strategies implemented in terms of teaching planning, teaching implementation, and teaching assessment, (2) to investigate the students’ responses towards the implementation of the teaching strategies. This research is a case study which includes in qualitative research. The participants of the study are a homeroom teacher and 24 grade five students in which all of them are male. The data collection methods are observation, interview, and document analysis. The findings of the study are: (1) there are four strategies in teaching planning. Those are curriculum, documents, teacher's professional development, and students' seat arrangement. While in the teaching implementation, there are sixteen strategies. They are icebreaking, recalling memory, brainstorming, discussion, game, listen and read, listen and match, draw and write, write a paragraph, filling the blank, vocabulary writing, concluding material, police of English, reading time, English camp, and assembly. Besides, there are five strategies in the teaching assessment. Those are daily tests, vocabulary tests, mid-term examination, final examination and International Progression Test (IPT). (2) The students' responses toward the implementation of the teaching strategies are their participation, understanding, memory, interest, and motivation increased during the learning process.



English, teaching strategy, primary school

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