Pengaruh Penerapan Sistem Zonasi Dalam Penerimaan Siswa Baru Terhadap Manajemen Pembelajaran Sejarah Di SMA Se-Kabupaten Sleman

Rohmad Azis, Djono Djono, Hieronymus Purwanta


The purpose of this study are: (1) Analyzing the implementation of the Zoning System in PPDB in Sleman Regency, (2) Analyzing the constraints faced in applying the Zoning System in Sleman Regency (3) Analyzing the effect of the Zoning System on the distribution and recall of education in Sleman Regency, (4) Analyzing the efforts of the teacher to optimize the quality, process, and results of teaching and learning activities in the history of high school students the results of the application of the zoning system.
The research method used in this study is qualitative where the approach taken with case studies as part of qualitative research. Data collection techniques are interviews, observation, and documents related to research. Test the validity of the data with data triangulation and method triangulation. Data analysis used Miles and Huberman's view namely data reduction, data display, and counclusion drawing / verification.
The results of the study show that: (1) The application of the zoning system policy in PPDB at the high school level in Sleman Regency in 2019 refers to Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No.51 of 2018 article 16, and technical instructions from the Education, Youth and Sports Service of the Special Province of the Special Region Province Yogyakarta No. 0885 / PERKA / 2019 dated May 7, 2019. (2) The implementation of this zoning system still raises several problems faced by schools and the community. (3) Basically the zoning system has a good goal because it wants to eliminate favorite and non-favorite term schools, all schools are considered equal and equal, so that there are no more urban and rural school terms. (4) The implementation of the zoning system policy in PPDB at the SMA level in Sleman Regency does not bring a significant change to the quality of student inputs in each of the education units at the SMA Sleman Regency.


Zoning System, New Student Admission, History Learning, Sleman Senior High School

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