Agricultural Socio-Economic Empowerment and Agribusiness Journal

Journal titleAgricultural Socio-economic Empowerment and Agribusiness Journal
FrequencyBiannual (June & December)
DOIPrefix 10.20961
Online ISSN2961-8320
Editor-in-chiefDr. Erlyna Wida Riptanti
Managing EditorRefa'ul Khairiyakh
PublisherFaculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Agricultural Socio-economic Empowerment and Agribusiness Journal (AGRISEMA) is a jurnal for the publication of research results, reviews of previous research results, and/or ideas in the fields of agricultural socio-economics, agribusiness management, agribusiness development, agricultural policy, empowerment of agribusiness community, and sustainability of agribusiness. 

AGRISEMA Journal: Agricultural Socio-economic Empowerment and Agribusiness Journal is published by  Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Sebelas Maret every June and December. AGRISEMA Journal also collaborates with Asosiasi Jurnal Pertanian Indonesia (AJPI) dan Perhimpunan Ekonomi Pertanian Indonesia (PERHEPI).


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Call for Paper


Agricultural Socio-economic Empowerment and Agribusiness Journal (AGRISEMA) invites authors to submit research results and scientific reviews in the fields of Agricultural Socioeconomics, Agribusiness Management, Agribusiness Development, Agricultural Policy, Agribusiness Empowerment, and Agribusiness Sustainability. We accept articles in Indonesian and English.

Before submission, ensure that your article complies with the journal's Writing Guidelines and Template. The next schedule that is still open for submissions is Vol 3, No 1 June 2024.

Posted: 2024-03-14

Call for Paper


Agricultural Socio-economic Empowerment and Agribusiness Journal (AGRISEMA) invites authors to submit research results and scientific reviews in the fields of Agricultural Socioeconomics, Agribusiness Management, Agribusiness Development, Agricultural Policy, Agribusiness Empowerment, and Agribusiness Sustainability.

We would like to accept articles in Indonesian and English. AGRISEMA Journal will waive publication fees for authors who publish articles in English.

Before submission, ensure that your article complies with the journal's Writing Guidelines and Template. The next schedule that is still open for submissions is Vol 2, No 2 December 2023.

Posted: 2023-08-24

Call for Paper


Agricultural Socio-economic Empowerment and Agribusiness Journal (AGRISEMA) invites authors to submit research results and scientific reviews in the fields of Agricultural Socioeconomics, Agribusiness Management, Agribusiness Development, Agricultural Policy, Agribusiness Empowerment, and Agribusiness Sustainability.

We would like to accept articles in Indonesian and English. AGRISEMA Journal will waive publication fees for authors who publish articles in English.

Before submission, ensure that your article complies with the journal's Writing Guidelines and Template. The next schedule that is still open for submissions is Vol 2, No 1 June 2023.

Posted: 2023-01-27

Call for Paper


Agricultural Socio-economic Empowerment and Agribusiness Journal (AGRISEMA) invites authors to submit research results and scientific reviews in the fields of Agricultural Socioeconomics, Agribusiness Management, Agribusiness Development, Agricultural Policy, Agribusiness Empowerment, and Agribusiness Sustainability.

We would like to accept articles in Indonesian and English. AGRISEMA Journal will waive publication fees for authors who publish articles in English.

Before submission, ensure that your article complies with the journal's Writing Guidelines and Template. The next schedule that is still open for submissions is Vol 1, No 2 December 2022.

Posted: 2022-10-01
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Vol 2, No 2 (2023): December

Table of Contents


Yoga Aji Pradana, Kusnandar Kusnandar
Khotimatul Barki
Adilah Ayu Maulidiyah, Darsono Darsono
Ahmad Fauzi, Ratna Dewi Lestari
Andry Suryo Wibowo, Sri Marwanti
Irvan Suryanto, Yoesti Silvana Arianti, Agung Setyarini


Front Matter