Exploring Students' Needs on Learning Media for Enhancing Self-Regulated Learning in Pancasila Student Profile Subject

Elisa Riani, Triana Rejekiningsih, Eka Budhi Santosa


Pancasila Student Profile still has many challenges in its implementation for elementary school students. This study was a primary education that aimed to identify various needs in order to integrate learning media with self-regulated learning in the Pancasila student profile subject. This study used a descriptive quantitative approach with a survey method of elementary school students. The questionnaire was used as a data collection instrument which was distributed to a sample of 64 randomly selected students. The Data from questionnaire were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that self-regulated learning abilities and implementation of Pancasila student profiles were still relatively poor. Teachers want to develop learning media to im-prove self-regulated learning and implementation of Pancasila student pro-files. Then, the developed learning media can also inspire teachers to inno-vate in improving the quality of learning.


Learning media, Pancasila student profile, Self-regulated learning, Primary education

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