Analysis of Educational Needs for Audio Visual Media on Waste Sorting for Residents in Malo Village

Achemat Saefudin, Abdul Haris Setiawan, Fatma Sukmawati


In sorting waste and differentiating it, of course, requires skill and knowledge, it's just that so far the residents do not have the main information or material sources to understand it. Therefore, this study aims to identify the initial needs of the residents as one of the needs in the effort to develop au-dio-visual media to make it easier for residents to understand waste sorting. This research is included in the needs analysis research with a descriptive quantitative method, with an instrument to collect data, namely a question-naire. Data analysis techniques were carried out descriptively and percent-ages. The results of this research succeeded in showing that, the residents as a whole need a media as their main source of information in understanding waste segregation material, the type of media is audio-visual media, this is due to the opinion of the residents that the media is not so complex to run, and still tend to be familiar to use among residents. It is hoped that this re- search can become the basis for the development of an innovative audio-visual media product to make it easier for residents to understand waste sort-ing in their environment


audio visual, media, waste sorting, environment

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