Perjuangan Jendral Soedirman Dalam Perang Gerilya Untuk Menumbuhkan Karakter Kepemimpinan Siswa SMA

Shofia Hamdallah Mukti


This study aims to analyze the struggle of General Sudirman in the Gerilya War to foster  character education in high school students. The Gerilya War, which became the strategy of the  Indonesian struggle led by General Sudirman, had a leadership concept to emulate together.  For the freedom fighters of the Republic of Indonesia, Sudirman was not only a commander, but  also a symbol of resistance to colonialism. He is also known as a wise open-minded leader and  can always find a solution to every problem he faces. Through a literature study approach, this  research tries to explain the concept of leadership that exists in the figure of General Sudirman  with the character education of students in high school. Based on the results of the analysis that  the Gerilya War Struggle led by General Sudirman has heroic values, both from his biography  and leadership character from gerilya warfare. This leadership character must exist in the next  generation, especially for high school students. It is hoped that the next generation will have an  unyielding, courageous, optimistic spirit in facing the challenges of world globalization, so it is  necessary to instill a tough character that comes from the leadership of General Sudirman in  liberating the State of Indonesia.


General Soedirman, Gerilya War, Character Education

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