Proses pembelajaran menulis puisi menggunakan teknik akrostik berbantu media digital papan kata di sekolah dasar

Puan Maharani, Rukayah Rukayah, Septi Yulisetiani


Indonesian language learning in Elementary Schools aims to improve language skills, both spoken and written. One important aspect is writing skills, especially writing poetry, which often faces challenges such as lack of vocabulary and difficulty in determining diction and style. This study aims to describe the process of learning to write poetry using acrostic techniques assisted by digital word board media in grade IV of SD Negeri Karangsembung 03. Using a qualitative case study method, data was collected through observation, interviews, tests, and document studies. The results of the study indicate that the acrostic technique assisted by digital word board media is effective in increasing the involvement and poetry writing skills of students. The learning process includes the stages of apperception, preparation, incubation, illumination, and verification/editing, with each stage making a significant contribution to improving the quality of poetry. The use of digital technology and acrostic techniques has been proven to attract interest and make it easier for students to express ideas creatively and in a structured manner, so that they are able to produce more meaningful and quality poetry. This study concludes that the integration of acrostic techniques and digital word board media is an effective method for learning to write poetry at the Elementary School level.


Keywords: elementary school, writing poetry, acrostic, and digital media

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