Pengaruh strategi crossover learning berbantu media Flash Card terhadap keterampilan menulis cerita pendek di sekolah dasar

Nida Nuha Afifah, Rukayah Rukayah, Septi Yulisetiani


Abstract. This research aims to determine whether or not there is an influence of using the Crossover Learning strategy assisted by Flash Cards on the ability to write short stories in class IV students' Indonesian language learning. This research is quantitative research with experimental methods. Experimental research design with a true experimental design with a pretest-posttest control group design. The research population is  Elementary School, Laweyan District, with sampling using a simple random sampling technique, namely taking samples from the population at random. So the samples from this research were the experimental group at SDN Panularan and the control group at SDN Bratan 1. Data collection was carried out using tests. The second group received a pretest and posttest. Content validation test technique, data analysis using a simple t test formula. The results of this research are that based on testing, a significant difference in the average value of short story writing ability was obtained. The value ρ= 0.001 is smaller than the significance level of 0.05 (ρ 0.001<0.000) where the basis for decision making is if the significance value is ρ<0.05, the research success rate is 95% and the error rate is 5%. The examiners obtained results that there were significant differences. From the results of the independent sample t-test, it can be concluded that there is an influence on the ability to write short stories using the Crossover Learning strategy assisted by Flash Card in the experimental group with the Expository in the control group. Apart from that, in its application the Crossover Learning strategy is more effective than the Expository strategy.


crossover learning, write short stories, elementary school.

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