Implementasi kegiatan ekstrakurikuler pramuka dalam membentuk karakter disiplin peserta didik kelas 5 dan 6 sekolah dasar

Rheigi Shaula Cardinalia, Joko Daryanto, Sandra Bayu Kurniawan


Scouting is developed as a means for character development. Scouting can be a medium in character education, one of which is discipline. Indicators of discipline character cultivation focus on 4 aspects, namely rules, punishment, rewards, and consistency. The purpose of this study is to describe the formation of disciplinary character through extracurricular scouting in grades 5 and 6 of elementary school. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method with a case study approach. Data collection techniques in this study were observation during scout activities, interviews with students and teachers, and document studies. This research was conducted using the Miles and Huberman analysis technique and then used triangulation of techniques and sources to test the validity of the data. The results of this study show that the formation of discipline is carried out through habituation and games by utilizing the outdoors through scouts. Disciplined behavior can lead to other good attitudes such as agreeing to the rules, daring to admit mistakes, showing apologies, respecting friends, being responsible, trying to be on time, and cohesiveness. However, there are still some scouts who still do not show discipline.


scouting, discipline, character building, elementary school

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