Pengaruh modul self regulated learning terhadap prokrastinasi akademik dan keterampilan berpikir kritis mahasiswa PGSD UNS

Endah Yuliana Lestari, Idam Ragil Widianto Atmojo, Roy Ardiansyah


Abstract. The study aims to determine the effect of self-regulated learning modules on academic procrastination and critical thinking skills of college students in PGSD UNS. The type of research is experimental research with a quasi design. The research population was PGSD UNS students with a sample of 67 students. Samples were divided into an experimental class and a control class. The class that became the experimental class was 2E with a total of 34 students, while the class that became the control class was 2F with a total of 33 students. Content validity using Aikens V states all instruments are valid. The reliability instruments using Alpha Cronbach's stated that all instruments were reliable with a coefficient value of 0.833 on the academic procrastination scale and 0.713 for the critical thinking test. Hypothesis Test using Manova Test Multivariate Analysis. The Manova test shows a significance value of 0.000 <0.05. The conclusion is that there is an influence of the self-regulated learning module on academic procrastination and critical thinking skills of PGSD UNS students.


Keywords: academic procrastination, critical thinking, self regulated learning

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