Analisis butir dan level kognitif pada soal penilaian tengah semester gasal mata pelajaran bahasa indonesia kelas iv sekolah dasar

Shafa Nur Rohma, Rukayah Rukayah, Supianto Supianto


Abstract. This study aims to determine the validity, reliability, difficulty index, discriminator index, distractor efficiency, and distribution of cognitive levels in the odd mid-semester assessment items for the Indonesian language class IV SDN Bratan 1 in the 2022/2023 academic year.  This study uses a quantitative approach to descriptive methods with documentation study data collection techniques.  Based on the study results, it was concluded that the question documents analyzed had a content validity level of 0.8333 – 1. Based on item validity, the results obtained were 35% valid and 65% invalid.  Based on reliability, the question has a reliability of 0.55.  Based on the difficulty index, the results obtained were 65% easy, 35% moderate, and no difficult questions.  Based on the discriminatory index, the results obtained were 5% of bad items, 30% of bad, sufficient, and good items respectively, and 5% of very good items.  Based on the distractor efficiency, there are 15% very bad questions, 20% bad questions, 30% of bad and good questions, and 5% very good questions.  Based on the cognitive level, there are 100% LOTS questions and no HOTS question.


item analysis, cognitive level, midterm assessment, elementary school

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