Relevansi nilai-nilai budi pekerti pada novel mata dan rahasia pulau gapi dengan pembelajaran PKn kelas VI sekolah dasar

Adji Muhammad Nur Rifai, Sukarno Sukarno, Septi Yulisetiani


The purpose of this study is to find out about the values of character in the
novel. and its relevance to Civics learning for Class VI Elementary School which
can be used as an investment for students. The obligation to cultivate character in
students is contained in the Minister of Education and Culture Number 23 of 2015.
The character values contained in the novel are useful as learning media in order
to foster character values in students through Civics subjects. The research method
used is a qualitative approach. The source of the data used in this research is the
novel Mata and Secret of Gapi Island. Data collection techniques used are content
analysis and interview techniques. The data analysis technique in this study is an
interactive analysis model, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing
conclusions. The validity test uses theoretical triangulation and source
triangulation. The results of the study obtained that there are 11 values in the novel
Mata and Secret of Gapi Island, namely religious, disciplined, honest, hard
working, creative, independent, curious, cares about the environment,
friendly/communicative, likes to read, and loves peace. The highest score in the
novel Mata and Secret of Gapi Island is the value of curiosity with six findings.
Values that are relevant to the learning materials for grade VI SD are peace-loving
values, religious values, friendly/communicative values, hard work values,
environmental care values, and discipline values. The values of character that are
relevant to the learning materials for class VI SD can be used as an alternative to
character building by making the findings a medium for learning texts.

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