Hubungan antara konsep diri dengan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi sebagai transfer of knowledge materi pecahan pada peserta didik kelas V sekolah dasar

Rahardina Zain 'Abidah, Siti Kamsiyati, Anesa Surya


The purpose of this research is to find out the relation between the self-concept and ability of high-level thinking as a transfer of knowledge of rational number material. This research was conducted at the student in V grade of Elementary School in 2019/2010 academic year on Ngurah Rai cluster at Laweyan District, Surakarta City. This research used correlation quantitative research methods. The sampling technique used was a random sampling of the student population in the V grade of Elementary School on the Ngurah Rai cluster. The retrieval data of the study used questionnaires and tests. The analysis data technique used simple regression analysis. Referring to the results of the statistical analysis, the correlation coefficient r was 0.761 with a regression model Ŷ = 55.99 + 2.1Xwith a contribution of 57.91%. Indicating to those results, there was a positive relation and significance between self-concept with the ability of high-level thinking as a transfer of knowledge of rational number material. The results of this study are expected to add scientific insights and can be used as relevance for similar research. Elementary V grade students are also expected to be able to develop positive self-concepts so that students high-level thinking abilities can increase.


Self-concept, Ability of High-Level Thinking, Elementary School, Mathematics, Rational Number.

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