Penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe two stay-two stray (ts-ts) untuk meningkatkan keterampilan pemecahan masalah bangun datar pada peserta didik sekolah dasar

Ayu Fitriani Nurjanah, Riyadi Riyadi, Sadiman Sadiman


Research this aiming for increase problem solving skills two dimentional figure with model TS-TS and for know the application of model TS-TS on the problem solving skills two dimentional figure. Classroom Action Research was a type of this research, carried out for 2 cycle with 4 activities.Technique of collection data carried out were with test, debriefing, observation and documentation. Technique of validity data using triangulation of source and triangulation of technique . Technique of analysis data used were descriptive statistics, descriptive of comparative and interactive analysis. Results research to show average of class on pre-action is 48,44 and completeness is 7,14% , increase on cycle I with average of class 69,97 and completeness classical 53,85% and increase again on cycle II with average of class reaching 81,84 and completeness is 85,71%. Based on results research, can be know that implementation Cooperative learning model type Two Stay - Two Stray (TS-TS) can increase problem solving skills two dimentional figure on students of fourth A grade in state elementary school of 01 Nangsri academic year 2018/2019.

Keywords: Cooperative learning model, Two Stay - Two Stray (TS-TS), problem solving skills, two dimentional figure                                

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