Quo Vadis: Regulating Independence Coaching for Death Row Inmates in Indonesian Correctional System

Niken Subekti Budi Utami, I Kadek Sudiarsana


The death penalty, one of the punishment types regulated in the Indonesian Criminal Code, continues to be imposed despite conflicts between abolitionists and retentionists. The existence of the death penalty in Indonesia has a legal consequence, which is the need for legal certainty regarding the status of death convicts, who are often entrusted to a Correctional Facility during the waiting period for execution. The enactment of Law Number 22 of 2022 classifying death row inmates as prisoners, along with their rights and obligations. This research uses legal research supported by data from interviews with experts. Data obtained from literature research was analyzed descriptive-qualitatively. The result showed that death row inmates must participate in coaching programs like other prisoners. The coaching program was divided into two parts: character and independence coaching. From the aspect of practicality, character coaching is more beneficial for death row inmates compared to independence coaching, as death row inmates would not return to society and would be waiting for their execution time unless their clemency request was granted. 


death penalty; Indonesian criminal code; prisoners

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