Andy Omara


This study aims to answer three important questions: first, how the 1945 Constitution regulate the authority of the Constitutional Court in resolving dispute on general election as stated in Article 22 E and the regional head election as stipulated in Article 18. Second, how the Constitutional Court, through its rulings, interpret its authority to settle dispute on general election and regional head election. Third, why, in different period, there is a tendency that the Court provide different interpretation regarding its authority to resolve dispute on general election and regional head election. To answer these three questions, this study utilizes doctrinal approach. It analyses the relevant laws and regulation and also the relevant Court rulings. This study concludes that (1) the 1945 Constitution expressly differentiate between regional head election and general election. However, (2) the Court provide different interpretation on determining the nature of regional head election specifically on whether such an election include in the category of general election or it is a distinct election. (3) There are two main factors that may explain why the Court provide different explanation regarding its power to settle dispute on the regional head election and general election. 


authority; constitutional court; regional head election

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The 1945 Constitution

Law 24/2003 on The Constitutional Court

Law 32/2004 on Regional Governance

Law 22/2007 on The Administers of General Election (Penyelenggara Pemilihan Umum)

Law 12/2008 on the amendment of Law 32/2004

The Constitutional Court Decision Number 45/PHPU.D VII/2010

The Constitutional Court Decision Number 25/PHPU.D-VI/2008,

The Constitutional Court Decision Number 97/PUU/2013

The Constitutional Court Decision Number 1-2/PUU/2014.

The Constitutional Court Decision Number 41/PHPU.D-VI/2008


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