Enhancing Chromium Phytostabilization Using Chelator (Agrobacterium sp. I26 and Manure) to Support Growth and Quality of Rice (Oryza sativa L.)

Riani Dwi Utari, Mohammad Masykuri, Retno Rosariastuti


There are many of rice field which is located near the industrial area. The industrial waste contains heavy metals (chromium) which will cause contamination of rice if the waste isn’t treated properly. The used of chemical fertilizers can cause chromium contamination. It needs an effort to do remediation, such as using phytostabilization mechanism. This research aimed to determine the role of chelator in chromium phytostabilization and its influence on the growth and quality of rice. The study was conducted in Waru village, Karanganyar in May to October 2018.  This research was factorial design used completely randomized block design with two factors, namely chemical fertilizers and chelator (Agrobacterium sp. I26, and manure). The parameters observed are chromium content and uptake by plant tissues (roots, shoot and rice), plant height and a number of clumps. Research output was without chemical fertilizer-chelator Agrobacterium sp. I26 that can increase the chromium uptake in roots as big as 95.38 %, increased up to 10 %  in the shoot and decreased up to 92.38 % in rice compared to control. Application of Agrobacterium sp. I26 can be recommended to produce good quality and quantity of rice (good growth and free from harmful pollutants such as chromium metal).


Agrobacterium sp. I26; Chromium; Manure; Phytostabilization; Quality of Rice

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