Dian Imam Saefulah, Kusmiyati Kusmiyati, Nur Kholis


Students from the physical education, health and recreation study program were one group of students who had a high level of activity before the Covid-19 pandemic. This research aims to determine the level of physical activity of students in the physical education, health and recreation study program during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research uses quantitative methods and is presented descriptively. Data was obtained through an online questionnaire survey using a Google form which had passed validation by expert lecturers and was filled in by 50 respondents using a simple random sampling technique. Students from the 2018-2019 education, physical, health and recreation study program as respondents. The data analysis technique used is descriptive testing by calculating the percentage of how long students spend doing activities. From the research results, it was found that 46% of the total number of respondents were women and 54% of the total number of respondents were men. Apart from that, data was also obtained that 17 respondents used 8-11 hours to do sedentary behavior such as playing gadgets, watching television or just chatting, and only 14 respondents used more than 3 hours to do high physical activity such as high impact aerobics, martial arts activities or jogging. The research conclusions show that there is a significant change in the physical activity of students in physical education and health recreation study programs who are more inclined towards sedentary behavior during the Covid-19 pandemic.


aktivitas fisik; pandemi; covid-19

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