Science, Engineering, Education, and Development Studies (SEEDS): Conference Series

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Journal TitleScience, Engineering, Education, and Development Studies (SEEDS): Conference Series
DOI PrefixPrefix 10.20961 by Crossref
Editor in ChiefKhresna Bayu Sangka, Ph.D.
PublisherUniversitas Sebelas Maret
FrequencyTwo issues per year (June & December)
Citation AnalysisSinta | Google Scholar | Garuda | Dimension

Science, Engineering, Education, and Development Studies (SEEDS): Conference Series is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal that emphasizes the method and practice of teaching science, engineering, education, and development studies pertinent to academic subjects or theoretical concepts. The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia, publish it. The journal is an international journal published online bi-annually in December  and June ISSN: 2615-4382 (Online))

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