Project-Based Learning in Instructional Materials and Media Development Classrooms

Isna Rakhmawati


Prospective English teachers found that selecting or designing instructional materials and media was burdensome due to their lack experiences. They need to enroll in a systematic learning model to develop relevant instructional materials and media.  Project-based learning has been an effective learning model to develop students’ skills in a specific content area. The nature of project-based learning to enable students acquire knowledge and give ample experiences in a reflective way supported English prospective teachers in instructional materials and media development (IMALD) classrooms to learn how to design materials and multimedia-based media for their future pupils. A case study was employed to investigate the implementation of project-based learning in instructional materials and media development classrooms. The stages involved in this study are, namely: 1) identifying the phenomenon, 2) identifying the research participants, 3) generating hypotheses, 4) collecting data, 5) analyzing data, and 6) interpreting data. Thirty five students were assigned to participate in this research and develop textbook as well as supplementary multimedia-based media following the steps in project-based learning comprising planning to develop textbook and multimedia-based media, monitoring, scaffolding, adjusting or troubleshooting strategies, assessing students and evaluating projects. The result of this study was the final product in the form of textbook and multimedia-based media to teach English for students in elementary school, junior high school and senior high school. Moreover, project-based learning  made students in IMALD classrooms became more contented and motivated in designing instructional materials and media for teaching and learning purposes by integrating their knowledge of materials development and computer software application.

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