Implementation of Financial Literacy Education On Accounting Education Students Through University-Bank Partnership to Reduce Student’s Consumtive Behavior

Dhany Efita Sari


A country’s financial sector is evaluated based on the level of public financial literacy, which is good if the percentage at least 30%. However, the OJK survey in 2016 indicated the Indonesian financial literacy is low (21.8%). People with the culture of financial literacy are expected to appropriately manage inflation issue, and family and personal budgets including financial assets and debt management, in order to improve their lives. Particularly for the younger generations, the financial literacy in daily implementation is crucial. In fact, most of them, especially students, indicated consumptive, glamorous attitudes and low saving habit. This study aimed to describe the implementation of financial literacy education on the students of Accounting Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta through University-Bank Partnership Program. This research is a literature study using qualitative approach. It was done by examining and analyzing the prevailing problems based on the existing literature. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that consumptive behavior can be reduced by providing financial literacy education in Higher Education. The program include: (1) provision of financial literacy education through financial literacy car, (2) simulation of banking products, (3) preparation of financial literacy content in the curriculum, (4) provision of technical assistance in facilitating educational institutions, (5) thematic community service program on financial literacy, and (6) provision of OJK outlets in universities. Essentially, this program is expected to reduce student’s consumptive behavior and enhance financial literacy among the younger generations.

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