The Effectiveness of Discovery Learning to Improve Critical Thinking Skills College Student on Mastery of Arrhenius Acid Base

Ratu Betta Rudibyani


The Effectiveness of Discovery learning to Improve  Critical Thinking Skills college student on Mastery of Arrhenius Acid-Base. This research was aimed to describe the effectiveness of discovery learning to improving critical thinking skills on mastery of Arrhenius acid-base. The renewal of this research is the integration of discovery learning models, The 2013 curriculum structure, Arrhenius acid-base material with aspects of critical thinking skills according by Ennis.This research used quasi-experiment with pretest-postest non-equivalent control group design. The population in this research is all college students of Master Program of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Lampung University  Academic year 2017/2018. The sample is taken by cluster random sampling technique and obtained sample that is class A as experiment class were 31 students  and Class B as control class was 30 students. The results showed that the effectiveness of discovery learning by n-Gain value had high criteria and effect size had large criteria. Based on the result of this research shown that discovery learning effective and have a high effect size in improving  critical  thinking skills  on mastery of Arrhenius acid base.

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