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p-ISSN 2620-343X | e-ISSN 2986-3074 Sabdasastra : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Jawa (Sabdasastra : Journal of Javanese Language Education) is an open-access journal published by Department of Javanese Language Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret. The first issue of 2017 Volume 1 No 1 has ten articles. Sabdasastra has two issues in a year and it will be published in March and September. The focus and scope of this journal are language education, literature, philology, linguistics, culture, and local wisdom in Java. Sabdasastra has been indexed in Google scholar, Dimensions, and GARUDA. The Editors receive scientific writing from researchers, lecturers, and students on education, teaching, language, and literature in Java.
Sabdasastra : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Jawa in collaboration with IKADBUDI(Ikatan Dosen Budaya Daerah Indonesia) |
Vol 8, No 2 (2024): Sabdasastra : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Jawa
Table of Contents
Tias Fitri Utami, Usman Hanafi, Nur Hanifah Insani
Moh Sayful Zuhri, Ivan Prapanca Wardhana
Anggita Dwi Padmawati, Raheni Suhita, Prima Veronika
Prima Veronika, Budi Waluyo, Kenfitria Diah Wijayanti, Tya Resta Fitriana, Djoko Sulaksono, Astiana Ajeng Rahadini, Winda Dwi Lestari, Rahmat Rahmat, Favorita Kurwidaria, Dewi Pangestu Said
Ainaini Khalidah, Raheni Suhita, Tya Resta Fitriana
Rissafitri Sariyanti, Sumarwati Sumarwati, Dewi Pangestu Said
Miftoqul Khasanah, Budhi Setiawan, Kenfitria Diah Wijayanti
Lavania Indira Aruni, Kenfitria Diah Wijayanti, Rahmat Rahmat
Eka Novi Setiani, Budi Waluyo, Prima Veronika
Adestya Tahira Oktivisari, Fasyeh Paramasari Wijaya, Hesti Nabilla Khoiriyati, Putri Aprihlia Tul Marfuah