Pelatihan Agro Eco-System Analysis Petani Ketela Pohon dalam Teknik Pengelolaan Organisme Pengganggu Tanaman

Sri Wahyuni, Willybrordus Lanamana, Kristono Yohanes Fowo, Lourentius Dominikus Gadi Djou, Yohanes Pande


Training on Agro Eco-System Analysis for Cassava Farmers in Plant Pest Organism Management Techniques. Pest population fluctuations in cassava plants tend to increase and spread rapidly in drought fields and a monoculture cropping pattern with close spacing therefore the presence of pests planted is highly dependent on agro-ecosystem conditions. Therefore ecological-based pest control is very necessary.  To maintain the stability of the plant ecosystem, basic skills are needed in conducting agroecosystem analysis (AESA). Based on the analysis results obtained recommendations for appropriate ecosystem management for each growing season and facilitate farmers in determining good cultivation techniques regarding pest control, cropping patterns, soil and water conservation as well as natural enemies that are appropriate for their plants. AESA activities are carried out so that farmers understand and are skilled in managing their cassava plantations because Randotonda Village is a producer of "Nuabosi" cassava which is known as a regional superior product. The activity is carried out in a participatory manner by directly involving the participating farmers as observers, fact seekers and decision-makers for the management of their agroecosystems through discussion and manifesting current real conditions with the hope that in the future they can manage their cropping agroecosystems properly. The highest increase in farmer understanding occurred in natural enemy components of 91.67% while the average increase in farmer understanding for all agro-ecosystem components was 57.14%. All participants were able to perform AESA very well which was indicated by the ability of farmers to make recommendations for managing cassava agroecosystems for the next planting season.


parasitoid; predator; intercropping



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