Caecilia Ivana Angelia


Nebeng Boy is one of the most popular YouTube content created by Indonesian YouTuber and an ex-Video Jockey from MTV, Boy William. The participants in this YouTube content are divided into two; the Host and the Guests. This research aims to find out the code choices chosen by the participants of YouTube content “Nebeng Boy” and the reasons why the participants choose the different codes.

This research was a case study of sociolinguistics which employed a descriptive qualitative method. In collecting the data, the researcher has done a few techniques namely taking notes from observing the conversation, transcribing the dialogues between participants, and classifying the data. The researcher used total sampling technique and took the whole part of dialogue from six videos of “Nebeng Boy”.

The results of this research show that the code choices employed by the participants of Nebeng Boy are informal variety from Bahasa Indonesia and English which resembles of high social class or high social status. Each participant has different way in using the codes and also has different reason behind it. The Host of the program uses informal code choices to show solidarity, express emotions, show intimacy, changing topics, and including another person to the conversation. Meanwhile, the factors that the guests use the code choices are the background of the person, the profession, function of the conversation, topics, the situation of conversation, and to include another person.


Code choice; YouTube; Sociolinguistics; Linguistics; Vlog

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