Analisis Postur Kerja Dan Re-Desain Fasilitas Kerja Pada UMKM Bata Merah Top

Nustin Merdiana Dewantari, Kiswa Safira Oktaviani, Lita Riani Hafsa, Rifan Maulana, Ficky Andri Rahmansyah, Tasya Berliana Aldriansyah


The red brick production industry in Cilegon City shows great potential in creating employment opportunities in rural areas and small towns. However, the process of producing red bricks often leads to health problems for workers, such as musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), due to non-ergonomic work activities. UMKM Bata Merah Top is one of the red brick craftsmen. Based on NBM surveys and worker interviews, they often experience pain in the back, waist, and hands. This study aims to evaluate the working posture in the processes of molding and moving bricks using the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) method, and redesigning the work facilities in those areas. The results of the analysis show that before the redesign of the facilities, the working posture had a high risk. However, after the redesign of the work facilities, the posture risk in the processes of molding and moving bricks became moderate.


Health; RULA; facilities; risk; high; moderate

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