Hawwin Rodhiyah Lubis, Warananingtyas Palupi, Ruli Hafidah


This researchaims to increase the ability to know number on the children of A group. This research is A classroom action research with quantitative and qualitative approach. This study was conducted for two cycles and each cycles consist of four meetings. The subject of  the study are A group childrend of TK Sri Juwita Hanum Surakarta in the School Year of 2018/2019 which contains 17 children. The technique of data collection are with observation, interviews, documentation, and test. The data analysis technique used quantitative and quantitative technique. The result of this research shows that using the application of problem solving method in the learning process can increase the ability to know the number on the children of A group, namely the numerator indicators by pointing, sorting, and connecting symbol numbers. Increased from pre-action by 41,17%, the first cycle was 58,83%, and the second cycle was 76,47%. Based on the descriptions, can be draw the conclusion that through problem solving method could  increase the ability to know number on the children of group A TK Sri Juwita Hanum Surakarta in the School Year of 2018/2019 by training children to think independently, creatively,  and analyze in solving a problem.


Keyword: ability in knowing the number, problem solving method, early childhood, children 4-5 years old

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