Endang Fatmawati


This article aims to describe library support in the implementation of the independent campus (Kampus Merdeka) and free learning (Merdeka Belajar) policy. The connection with the independent campus program is that libraries are a crucial component in the campus academic atmosphere. Moreover, the orientation is for graduates to be compatible, more adaptive, more responsive, and more contextual. Higher education libraries, through their librarians, can contribute to the successful implementation of the independent and independent learning campus program. The process can be achieved by moving campus entities including libraries by reducing risks and trying to seize better opportunities. Freedom to teach for lecturers and freedom to learn for students is a must.


Kampus Merdeka; library; Merdeka Belajar; literacy

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20961/jpi.v6i2.46682


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