Riazmi Yusma Sari, Siti Rohyanti Zulaikha


Archive is a document that is stored by individuals, companies and agencies both in print and electronic. In order for the existence of an archive, proper care and management must be done.

This research uses a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques used in this study were through observation and interviews. The researchers observed by surveying the mass media owned by the Sambas District Library and Archives Service related to information needs, namely the archives. Research interviews conducted through whatsapp communication media with Darmadi, who is a staff in the field of archival administration under the head of the archiving and supervision section. Research also use books supporting information needs in this study.

Based on this research, it was concluded that the Library and Archives Office of the Sambas Regency had carried out well according to the classification of dynamic and static archives. However, because the archiving facilities and infrastructure in the Sambas Regency Regional Library and Archives Service are minimal, archival storage is still using conventional media such as cabinet filing and filing shelves. This is far from the current development that uses digital as a storage medium. Maintenance of the archive is carried out periodically for 3 months with makeshift maintenance such as giving camphor in each archive storage media. For the destruction of archives, the Sambas Regency Library and Archives Service has never destroyed archives due to the limited and structural funds that deal with this frequently changing so that the knowledge about the destruction of archives is inadequate but the regulations regarding the archive retention schedule (JRA) have been completed in the formulation and made the regent regulation number 14 of 2014.


archives; archives management; Kabupaten Sambas

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