Eti Sumiati, Wijonarko Wijonarko


In an educational institution both from elementary school to university level is closely related to library facilities. The Domestic Government Institute Library in Jatinangor is a science information service facility to support teaching and learning in the campus environment. With the complaints filed by the praja as users, a strategy is needed by all levels of library management in order to utilize the library of the Domestic Government Institute in Jatinangor. The method used in this research is an action research method that ultimately makes library planning in order to improve information services to the public. The factors that can be done in an effort to improve library information services at the Domestic Government Institute in Jatinangor are the availability of quality human resources, diversity in the provision of facilities of particular interest, optimal service methods both directly and indirectly and the time of implementation that adjusts to the needs user.


library; information service

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20961/jpi.v5i2.37620


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