Mustofa Mustofa, Sundari Juni Astuti


Arts of Communication as a Librarian in Presentation. Writing this article has a purpose, namely to give knowledge to librarians in order to be able to make presentations well with the art of communication and have a communication style. The art of communication is influenced by the style of communication, style is the characteristic of a person in communication, there are two aspects that can be seen in the style of communication, namely language and rhetoric. The art of effective communication is to use the 7 C model, namely: completeness, conciseness, conciderration, clarity, concreteness, courtesy, correctness. In order for a librarian’s presentation to be successful, there needs to be tips to do, namely: 1) Know PAL well (purpose, audience, logistics), 2) Pay attention to time, 3) Stay relevant, 4) Play emotional buttons, 5) Create notes easy to do.


communication; art of communication; presentation

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