Batriatul Alfa Dila


The paper gives a view to librarians to find out the problem of policy in the process of developing collections in high-rise library. This paper focuses on finding solutions to policy problems in developing collections in high-education libraries, to determine the success in developing library materials in the high-rise library. At the writing of this paper the method is more specific by using a literature review. The steps that must be carried out are as follows: 1. Urgency of collection development policies, 2. Carrying out activities that have been deemed by the library, 3. Involving users in the provision of voluntary collections, 4. Planning the selection of library materials to be provided in the library. the process of procuring a collection of library materials that is relevant to be provided in the library, 6. Always evaluating library materials to support success in the development of library collections. Constraints and solutions faced in developing collections, with the emergence of this paper provide new insights / new ideas in providing the best solutions for the stages in developing collections in the high-rise library.


collection development; collection; stages; university library

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