Nurrahma Yanti


This study aims to reveal the implementation of library material procurement in IAIN Batusangkar Library, this study uses qualitative methods by collecting data in the form of observation and interview. Based on the findings it can be seen that IAIN Batusangkar Library in the process of procurement of library materials has 3 methods of application; (1) Procurement of library materials through purchases to vendors is done once every year (2) Procurement of library materials through through gifts
/ donations from internat and eksernal parties. (3) Procurement of library materials through deposits such as scientific papers, thesis, thesis, proseding and others. Procurement of library materials through donations / gifts from prospective alumni IAIN Batusangkar or students to be graduated should the book will be donated determined by the library or students are given another option to contribute money that will be used for the purchase of library materials, it is useful to overcome the literature not required. Should be in the procurement of library materials through the
deposit all the lecturers / employees must know that they are obliged to deposit the results of his works and give sanctions if not donate to the library. Recommendation from the author to the Library IAIN Batusangkar Library IAIN Betterangkar should make policy management materials library written as the basis or guidance of library material management implementation starting from user analysis, selection, procurement, weeding to the evaluation for all activities directed

Keyword: acquisition, IAIN Batusangkar Library

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