Daryono Daryono


The purpose of this paper is to determine the motivating librarians to improve their
ability in applying information technology in libraries and improve the professionalism
and add insight to the writer in particular and librarians in general. The problems
are studied in this paper is how much the role of librarians in applying information
technology in libraries, how the attitude of librarians to the presence of information
technology, as well as how to apply the ability of information systems librarian at the
Library, as well as the obstacles encountered in applying information technology in
libraries. The method of writing in this paper uses methods of literature by combining
some of the opinions of experts in the field of library science, analyzed and then
be concluded. The conclusion of this paper is the Librarian as future information
professionals have a variety of challenges and obstacles in applying information
technology in libraries, among others: 1) Increasing new profession, 2). Shifting
the role of libraries, 3). Digitalization of Information, and 4). Paradigm Changes in

library services. So to deal with future librarians must have the pioneer spirit, which
is critical in the development of information technology, and are able to apply it in the
library development. Librarians will have a very important role in the development of
information systems in the library, because in the future, the librarian will collaborate
with a variety of background knowledge resources in various formats and forms.
Librarians will also collaborate in the long term and short passes boundaries of space
and time.


librarian; professional librarian; ICT

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20961/jpi.v2i2.33658


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