This paper discusses the implementation of ISO 9001: 2015 at the Faculty of Engineering
Diponegoro University. The purpose of writing this paper is to determine the stages
or implementation process, advantages and disadvantages. Based on the results of the
discussion in this paper, it is concluded that the implementation process of ISO 9001:
2015 to obtain certification requires 5 (five) phases, namely (1) assessment of current
system, (2) design, development and review, (3) implementation,) Audit and review,
and (5) certification readiness. Benefits of the implementation of ISO 9001: 2015 in
the Faculty of Engineering Diponegoro University, including: to ensure customer
satisfaction of products or services sold, increase customer confidence, instill a sense
of pride for employees so motivate them to work and work better, facilitate Faculty of
Engineering Diponegoro University To gain cooperation from more business partners,
as a material to analyze institutional capabilities, improve risk control management
so that institutions are more stable, organizational systems become more organized
and directed. The obstacles encountered in this ISO implementation include: funding,
commitment of all relevant parties, and consistency in running ISO 9001: 2015.
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