Analisis Kondisi Regulasi Emosi Remaja Beragama Buddha di Kabupaten Wonogiri

Novianti Novianti


The adolescent phase faces various physical, social, cognitive, and psychological changes that often make it difficult to manage their emotions. The negative emotions that arise can cause problems that can disturb the individual himself or others. Emotional regulation is needed so that teenagers are able to overcome the challenges of psychological changes so that teenagers are mentally healthy. The aim of this research is to describe the condition of emotional regulation in Buddhist adolescents in Wonogiri Regency. The method used is a qualitative descriptive method. By using a data collection technique, namely purposive sampling, researchers selected Buddhist teenagers who were still attending junior high and high school in Wonogiri Regency who were in accordance with the research object, namely in the age range of 12-18 years. Data collection by interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique chosen was a combination of Miles and Huberman, Spradley, and Yin. The research results show that Buddhist teenagers in Wonogiri Regency have good emotional regulation skills, including the ability to monitor emotions, the ability to evaluate emotions, and the ability to modify emotions.


regulation, emotions, teenagers, religion, Buddhist

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