Suprapto Suprapto, Sri Wahyuni, Indah Emilia Wijayanti, Irawati Irawati




Let  R be a ring with unit and let  N be a left R-module. Then N is said linearly independent to  R (or N is R-linearly independent) if there is monomorphisma  By the definition of R-linearly independent, we may be able to generalize linearly independent relative to the R-module M. Module N is said M-linearly independent if there is monomorphisma .

The module Q is said M-sublinearly independent if Q is a factor module of modules which is  M-linearly independent. The set of modules M-sublinearly independent denoted by  Can be shown easily that  is a subcategory of the category R-Mod. Also it can be shown that the submodules, factor modules and external direct sum of modules in  is also in the .

The module Q is called P-injective if for any morphisma Q defined on L submodules of P can be extended to morphisma Q with , where  is the natural inclusion mapping. The module Q is called -injective if Q is P-injective, for all modules P in .

In this paper, we studiet the properties and characterization of -injective. Trait among others that the direct summand of a module that is -injective also -injective. A module is -injective if and only if the direct product of these modules also are -injective.


Key words : Q ()-projective, P ()-injective.


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