Treasures of Fairy Tale Texts at The Pakualaman Scriptorium

Rahmat Rahmat, Sangidu Sangidu, Sri Ratna Saktimulya


The Pakualaman scriptorium is one of the Javanese scriptoriums that produces written traditions in several genres. One of them is the fairy tale genre. Through fairy tales, the views of the Pakualaman dynasty can be traced. The theory used in this research is philology with the object of research in the form of manuscripts and manuscript texts. The specific purpose of this research is to collect fairy tale texts with the results in the form of manuscript inventory, physical description, and preparation of a list of fairy tale texts. Through philological work, the manuscript data containing fairy tale texts were obtained as many as thirteen manuscripts with a total of forty-one texts. Based on the manuscript distribution map, the fairy tale texts of the Pakualaman scriptorium are stored in Pakualaman, Yogyakarta Palace, Sanabudaya Museum, and Leiden University.


fairy tale; manuscript; Pakualaman; philology; text

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