Focus and Scope
Javanologi International Journal of Javanese Studies is an international scientific journal focused on Javanese studies. We are a reputable academic publication dedicated to the comprehensive exploration of Javanese culture, history, and society. Established as a vital platform for scholarly research, this journal serves as a beacon for academics, researchers, and enthusiasts seeking to delve into the rich Javanese culture.
Javanologi International Journal of Javanese Studies covers research related to Javanese culture.
Section Policies
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Peer Review Process
The articles submitted to Javanologi International Journal of Javanese Studies will be processed through a formatting review by the editor and independently reviewed by two peer reviewers. The review process applies Double Blind method. Decisions from reviewers are a top priority for editors to make decisions. The time required by reviewers to complete a round review process is three weeks. Generally, prospective reviewers will be selected based on their reputation in the suitability of their expertise. The decision for publication, amendment, or rejection is based on their reports/recommendation. After being reviewed, there will be four kinds of editor decision based on reviewers’ recommendation:
- Accept Submission: The submission will be accepted without revisions.
- Revisions Required: The submission will be accepted after minor changes have been made.
- Resubmit for Review: The submission needs to be reworked, but with significant changes, may be accepted. It will require a second round of review, however.
- Decline Submission: The submission will not be published in the journal.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
Javanologi International Journal of Javanese Studies is a peer-reviewed journal committed to ensuring the highest standards of publication ethics. All parties involved in the publishing process (editors, authors, reviewers, and the publisher) have to agree upon standards of ethical behavior. Our Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement (PEMS) is based on the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors of the Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE (available at
Authors should be aware that Javanologi International Journal of Javanese Studies is an open-access journal. Javanologi International Journal of Javanese Studies publishes two issues a year (published in June and December). All articles are made available to the readers free of charge without any subscriptions. All content is made available online, including previous issues and articles.
Information on ownership and management is clearly stated on the journal’s homepage ( The journal’s website has been designed in a way that high ethical and professional standards are ensured. The name of the journal is unique and is not aimed to be confusable with any other journals.
The Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board
Javanologi International Journal of Javanese Studies has an established Editorial Board with recognized experts in Javanese culture and social studies. The full names and affiliations of Editorial Board Members are available at Contact information for the Editorial Office is available at We are highly committed to full editorial independence.
The Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board of Javanologi International Journal of Javanese Studies are responsible for:
- Deciding on whether the manuscripts submitted to the journal should be published or not. In making such decisions, they are guided by the policies of the journal and the instructions for Authors, available here:;
- Providing guidance to guest editors, authors, and reviewers on the whole publication process;
- Providing new editorial board members with guidelines and keeping existing members updated;
- Evaluating manuscripts exclusively on the basis of their academic and intellectual merit, without regard to race, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, ethnic origin, religious belief, citizenship, political orientation, or social class;
- Ensuring a fair and unbiased double-blind peer review of the manuscripts with all information kept confidential;
- Ensuring that authors’ and peer reviewers’ identities are protected;
- Ensuring that reviewers selected do not have any conflict of interest with the author(s) and that reviewers have the knowledge and experience to undertake a decent review;
- Developing and maintaining a database of suitable reviewers and updating it on the basis of reviewer performance;
- Taking appropriate actions when ethical complaints are raised concerning a submitted or published manuscript. In cases of a suspected misconduct, they follow the COPE guidelines available at
Authors and Authors’ Responsibilities
We acknowledge that different institutions and countries have different norms on who is listed as an author of the manuscript submitted. However, all authors should apply the following principles:
- Authors should have substantial contributions to the conception and design of the work and/or data gathering & analysis and/or the interpretation of the results;
- Authors should not publish the outcomes of the same research in more than one journal, including Javanologi International Journal of Javanese Studies;
- Authors should not submit the same manuscript simultaneously to more than one journal at a time;
- Authors must ensure that they have written original works and that any work or ideas of other authors, contributors, or sources have been appropriately cited and referenced;
- Authors should take full responsibility and be accountable for all aspects of the work submitted including all important intellectual content and property rights;
- Authors should agree that by submitting a manuscript to the journal, they adhere to the principles listed in this PEMS statement;
- Authors are obliged to participate in the peer review process and provide retractions or corrections of the mistakes;
- Authors should provide a list of references and all financial support;
- Authors should approve the final version of the manuscript published.
We are committed to the highest standards of authorship transparency. We believe that the corresponding author has the right to act on behalf of all co-authors from the beginning of the publication process.