Integer 1/0 Knapsack Problem Dynamic Programming Approach in Building Maintenance Optimization

Viska Dewi Fawzy, Senot Sangadji, Sholihin As’ad


The most common problem in urban areas is the high public demand and the limited provision of housing. In meeting the needs of affordable housing for low income communities, the Government of Indonesia implements Rusunawa Project. Object of this research is Pandanarang Rusunawa. Rusunawa Pandanarang is one of the vertical housing in Cilacap that is facing deterioration issue and needs good maintenance management. This study aims at insetting priority and optimizing maintenance plan due to limited funds (limited budget) and the amount of damage that must be repaired.This study uses one of the optimization methods of Dynamic Programing on the application of Integer 1/0 Knapsack Problem, to determine an schedule the maintenance activities. The Criteria that are used such as: the level of building components damage and the level of occupants participation. In the first criterion, the benefit (p) is the percentage of damage that is fixed with the cost (w). While on the second criterion, the benefit (p) is the percentage of occupant participation rate on the maintenance activities with the cost (w). For the budget of Rp 125.000.000, 00, it was obtained from the simulation that the value of the optimum solution on the first criterion at the 7th stage of 71.88% with total cost Rp 106.000.000, 00. At the second criterion, the value of the optimum solution at the 7th stage of 89.29% with total cost Rp 124.000.000, 00.


Mantenance, Optimization, Knapsack Problem, Dynamic Programming

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