Klasifikasi Menggunakan Algoritma K-Nearest Neighbor pada Imbalance Class Data dengan SMOTE. (Studi Kasus: Nasabah Bank Perkreditan Rakyat “X”)

Salsabilla Rizka Ardhana, Tatik Widiharih, Bagus Arya Saputra


Rural Banks (Bank Perkreditan Rakyat/BPR) provide financial services to micro-businesses and low repayment communities, especially in rural areas. The main activity of the bank is lending. Customer credit classification is expected to assist BPR in anticipating potential bad loans. K-Nearest Neighbor classify current and potential bad credit status based on customer data from BPR “X” in Central Java in October 2022. K-Nearest Neighbor is effective against a large amount of training data and works based on the nearest neighbor. There is an imbalance class data which causes the classification process to focus more on the majority class. Imbalance class data is handled using Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) as an oversampling approach. Classification with the addition of SMOTE can improve the evaluation of classification accuracy, especially G-mean. G-mean is the most comprehensive measurement in term of  accuracy, sensitivity and specificity in evaluating classification performance on imbalance class data. The results of this research were able to increase g-mean to 58.55% and sensitivity to 45.46% by implementing SMOTE. Based on the classification results, it is concluded that K-Nearest Neighbor with SMOTE at k = 19 and a proportion of training data to test data of 70:30 is a more appropriate classification model to use for customer credit status.


Keywords: Credit Status; K-Nearest Neighbor; Imbalance Class Data; SMOTE

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