Analisis Spasial Angka Kematian Balita di Pulau Papua Menggunakan Mixed Geographically Weighted Regression

Muhammad Fathu Rahman, Hamada Syafia, Sya'adatul Maf Ula, Nur Azizah Amini, Arief Priambudi, Tiodora Hadumaon Siagia


One of the goals of the Sustainable Development Goals is to end under five mortality which can be prevented by at least 25 per 1000 live births by 2030. Based on Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) data, in 2020 the Under Five Mortality Rate (U5MR) in Papua Province is 49.04, while in West Papua Province of 47.23. This figure makes the island of Papua the island with the highest U5MR compared to other islands in Indonesia. The problem of U5MR has different influencing factors for each region, so it is important to include spatial effects in the analysis. The Mixed GWR model can be used to overcome spatial linkages between regions, accommodate variations in the form of spatial heterogeneity, and handle variations in parameters that are global and local in nature. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the variables that affect U5MR in Papua Island using Mixed GWR. This study uses secondary data sourced from BPS. The unit of analysis for this research is the districts/cities in Papua Island. The dependent variable in this study is U5MR, while the independent variables include the percentage of women aged at first pregnancy less than 21 years, Gross Regional Domestic Product per capita, the percentage of households with the main type of fuel in the form of solid fuel, the average length of schooling, and the percentage of households with access to source of proper drinking water. The results showed that the percentage of women aged at first pregnancy less than 21 years, the percentage of households with the main type of fuel in the form of solid fuel, the average length of schooling, and the percentage of households with access to source of proper drinking water had a significant effect on U5MR in several districts/cities on the island of Papua. Therefore, it is hoped that district/city governments on the island of Papua in developing programs/policies to reduce U5MR can adjust to the conditions of each region.

Keywords: Under Five Mortality Rate; Papua island; Mixed GWR

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